how to build strong faith


Faith is something that has been mistaken by a lot of people and it has been taught wrong the idea of saying “I believe”! it doesn’t work and it has no impact at all

Human being has two things first the inner man and second the outer man, the outer man uses conscious mind and the inner man uses subconscious man to gives you a better understanding look at the table below



i. Has tangible body

i. Has no tangible body

ii. uses conscious mind

ii. uses subconscious mind

iii. has  heart

iii. has soul/spirit is intelligence uses divine strength

v. can be controlled

v. cannot be controlled

vi. can be understood

vi. cannot be understood

Now here is the definition of faith, faith mean believing and believing mean seeing, if you haven’t seen it then it is impossible to believe it, the bible say faith comes by hearing but what happen once you hear you create a mental picture so that you can see it and then you believe it, once you believe it then your life will be forcefully dragged into that direction

Try this test lie on bed and then don’t create any picture in your mind I guarantee you that you will never get up, until that picture pop up in your mind that is when you will move


When I said seeing it mean that the one who has the power to change the attitude or somebody’s character or condition of their life is the inner man and the inner man only uses subconscious mind which cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is not, if the inner man see something he doesn’t ask question he instantly believe it and when he do that thing begin to manifest in that person’s life

           There are four doors the inner can see the images so he can believe





When the inner man sees something through those ways immediately your life will start to move into the direction of those things you saw, all the suggestion thoughts comes from your subconscious mind which are the collection of everything you have seen and as you keep seeing them then they happen even more, this is what the modern world people call it ‘mind programing’

The most powerful way of believing among those four is through dreams, dreams is the most powerful way to reinforce your life to move into the direction of those things you saw in dream, dream is direct access from subconscious mind, learn more on the sources of dreams here


Now the outer man uses conscious mind which is very intelligence and it know what is lie and what is truth, so the three methods of seeing videos, real life scenarios, visualization are used by outer man so here is the problem, the conscious mind create bearer that inhibit the information to pass direct to your subconscious and as a result the inner man don’t get to see those things and believe in them

However, if the out man keep seeing similar activities then slowly they penetrate until the reach the inner man and so if the inner man see and believe then those things will begin to happen in that person’s life

So if you want to change your life you must change what you see because if you continuously see something then finally it will reach the inner man

Now you can understand why watching movies, watching music, playing video games is dangerous to your life, it is because repetition of those things finally will be captured by the inner man and he will start to attract those things in your life if it is destruction, murders, lies, insults, fictions, and so on after few years your life will be chaos

You must take control of what you see so that you can become who you want to be use the video material, pictures, visualization even confession over and over again until the inner man capturer them so your life can be dragged toward that directions


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